Adjusting to Life in America by Vera Dragonchuck, MA, LMHC
Intercultural Therapy
I believe psychotherapy can assist you with career and family life development as you adjust to the culture of this country. As you start to pursue your dreams, goals, and desires you may encounter resistance and difficulties. Finding a way to have a career and family, to bring together cultures and expectations can be emotionally difficult process.
Rapid development of communication and transportation of technology has brought together people of diverse cultures, ethnicity, geographies, and religions in every aspect of contemporary human life. Adjusting to an uncertain or ambiguous situation caused by unpredictable nature of intercultural interactions can be psychologically stressful. Individuals who face traumatic effects of displacement and pressures and challenges of assimilation into the American society can benefit from culture-centered psychotherapy.
Although the ethnic community and family networks provide a strong social system of norm and values aimed at preserving cultural harmony for individuals who went through resettlement process, it can also be a source of tension for the new generation born in the United States.